Rotty Care

Appropriate Diet:

This topic in itself is worthy of a website. The point to remember is to provide balanced nutritive diet according to the stages of growth. The choice ranges from raw feed, homemade food, dry feed, canned feed etc. Choose according to your convenience and affordability taking necessary care to provide all nutrients and that the feed should be a balanced one. Rottweilers are prone for skin and coat ailments and the most common cause of such ailments is poor nutrition.

Water: Clean water to be provided always


Though a rottweiler does not need excessive grooming, regular brushing with a bristle/slicker brush/hand glove is needed to remove the dead hair and add shine to the coat by stimulating the oil glands

Ear cleaning:

Clean with a cotton ball. Look out for signs of infection/ ear mite infestation.

Shaking the head/scratching the ears frequently is an indication of a problem.


No dog can thrive without sufficient exercise, and, in owing to his size and powerful muscular development, the Rottie needs the opportunity to really flex those muscles, and you must provide it.

Regular walks, play sessions in the garden or letting the dog run free in the garden under supervision are some ways you can easily exercise your dogs.


Socializing means getting your dog used to people, other dogs, and the big wide world in general.

Puppy socialization has the most dramatic effect on how your dog turns out. You must get your puppy out into the world between 7 weeks old and 6 months old.

Adolescent socialization is also critical. Adolescence begins between 6 and 9 months old, and ends between 1 and 3 years old. Larger breeds have the longer adolescent periods. Just as in people, adolescence in dogs can be an awkward time of change and upheaval. A teenage dog's attitude toward strangers and other dogs may change from week to week, even from day to day.

Adult socialization may not be able to change your dog's attitude toward people and other dogs, but it can control his behavior so that he doesn't act aggressive or afraid.


Obedience training along with socialization,is a must from puppyhood. The dog's protective instincts must be properly channeled to make him steady and reliable and completely, instantly controlled by your voice. From the age of just a few months, get him to know the commands "come", "down", "stay", "heel", and "sit". Make a game of doing so, with lots of petting and praise when the order is correctly followed and you will be surprised how quickly your extremely intelligent baby Rottie will get the idea. Rottweilers are smart and they love to please - therefore they are generally quite easily trained.

Other usual care like clean,cool and comfortable living quarters, house breaking, nail clipping, tick free environment,clean, separate area for elimination needs etc should be taken care of.